Botox is a drug that is used to treat a number of conditions, including overactive bladder. It works by blocking the nerves to the muscles that control urination.
It is used to treat overactive bladder (OAB) in people who have failed to improve with anticholinergic medications. It is injected into the detrusor muscle, which lines the bladder.
Bladder Botox is a treatment for overactive bladder that relieves symptoms like urgency and frequency. It is usually used when other treatment options don't work.
The drug works by reducing the muscles that squeeze the bladder, which can cause overactive bladder and urinary incontinence. It can also help relax bladder spasms.
A urologist injects small amounts of Botox directly into the muscle of the bladder with a lighted tube called a cystoscope, which allows them to see inside your bladder.
Your urologist will use a local anesthetic to numb your bladder. Then they will make several injections of the drug into the bladder muscle, depending on your specific needs.
In most cases, the effect of the injections will last 6-12 months. Once the effect wears off, you will need to receive more frequent treatments.
You might think of Botox as a treatment for wrinkles on the face, but it’s also used to treat overactive bladder (OAB). Urinary incontinence can lead to social, physical or emotional problems.
If conservative treatments don’t help, a urogynecologist may recommend Botox injections into your bladder. This minimally invasive procedure is usually done in the doctor’s office with a numbing medication applied to the area before the injections take place.
During the procedure, a urologist will use a cystoscope to inject small amounts of Botox into your bladder wall. It works by relaxing the muscles in your bladder so you don’t have an urge to urinate as often or as quickly.
You may experience a temporary decrease in your bladder symptoms a few weeks after the injections. Then the treatment wears off over time, typically in four to 12 months.
Side effects
Bladder Botox is a safe and effective treatment for overactive bladder (OAB) and urinary incontinence. The drug works by calming the nerves that trigger the bladder muscles.
It's an alternative to surgery, which is often needed to treat more severe cases of OAB or incontinence. Generally, it's used in the clinic as an adjunct to more conservative treatments for OAB, such as pelvic floor therapy, medications and lifestyle changes.
The doctor uses a cystoscope to inject the drug into the detrusor muscle, the main muscle that lines the bladder. This may be done in the office or at an ambulatory surgical center.
Bladder Botox is a safe, effective treatment for urinary incontinence. It reduces the frequency and urgency of urination, and can also improve quality of life.
It’s an excellent alternative to medications, which may cause side effects, or more invasive procedures such as nerve stimulation devices. It also provides a better solution for patients who haven’t responded to lifestyle changes or medications.
When injected into the bladder wall, Botox works by blocking the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and relaxing muscles that can lead to leaks or excessive urges to urinate.
In clinical trials, adults who received Bladder Botox injections saw a reduction in daily leakage episodes after just two weeks. They were also more satisfied with their results, reported fewer side effects and improved their quality of life.
The procedure can be done in your doctor’s office under local anesthesia. A cystoscope allows your doctor to see the inside of your bladder and inject the Botox solution into your bladder muscle. Be sure to use quality incontinence underwear to avoid leakage.