Stop Worrying About Incontinence And Start Living Healthy

Stop Worrying About Incontinence And Start Living Healthy

There's no question that urinary incontinence is a huge problem for many people. It can ruin a person's confidence and put a lot of stress on their day-to-day life.

The good news is that there are things you can do to help manage incontinence and stop worrying about it.

Keep a Bladder Diary

A bladder diary is a useful tool to track your bathroom habits and help you and your doctor identify the cause of your urinary problems. This will enable you and your doctor to develop a treatment plan that will suit your individual needs, and allow you to live a more healthy lifestyle.

The diary will help you to understand your bladder habits so that you can begin a bladder retraining program. This will improve your chances of controlling incontinence, and it’s a great way to monitor your progress as you get closer to your goal.

You’ll be asked to record how often you urinate, how much fluid you drink, when you go to the toilet and whether you leak urine. This can be done on a piece of paper or by using your phone. You can also use a water bottle with ounce markers to record the amount you’ve drunk.

In some cases, you may be asked to keep a diary for a number of days to provide your doctor with detailed information about your bladder. In these situations, it’s vital that you complete the diary exactly as requested.

If you’re unsure how to fill in the diary, talk with your doctor. This will help you to avoid making any mistakes and ensure that you can provide the best possible information about your condition.

It’s important to keep a bladder diary for three to seven days in order to get a full picture of your condition. This will give you and your doctor the best chance of identifying the root of your incontinence, which can make it easier to treat.

As you begin a bladder retraining programme, it’s essential that you follow your practitioner’s instructions and exercise routine faithfully every day. This will hasten your progress and allow you to see your improvement on a daily basis.

As you regain control of your bladder, you’ll start to notice patterns in how you void. This can be particularly helpful in diagnosing an overactive bladder (OAB) condition, or a different kind of incontinence that may not be as easy to identify.

Seek Medical Attention

Urinary incontinence is one of the most common issues that women face. It can cause embarrassment and make it hard to get out and enjoy the things you usually do. It can also be a sign of something serious like cancer or nerve disorder.

If you are having a problem with incontinence, see your health care provider for help. They will be able to determine what is causing your leakage and prescribe treatment.

Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and perform a physical exam. They may also want to ask you to keep a bladder diary for a few days before your appointment, which helps them track patterns and triggers.

Often, incontinence is the result of a temporary medical condition that goes away after you are treated. Other times, your incontinence is a symptom of a chronic condition, such as fibromyalgia or arthritis.

You can improve your incontinence by changing your lifestyle and taking measures to protect yourself from it. Your doctor may recommend reducing your intake of caffeine, drinking more water and avoiding alcohol.

It is important to seek medical attention when you have an incontinence issue because untreated problems can lead to long-term health complications and even death. It is also essential to catch any issues quickly if you are pregnant or have children.

The first step is to contact your doctor to schedule an appointment. Then, bring a list of all your medications, as well as any medical procedures you have had. This information will be helpful to the doctor and can save you time and money by reducing your visits.

Your doctor can also check for other medical conditions that may be affecting your urinary system. If you have a kidney or bladder disease, your doctor can prescribe medicines that help control urine flow and prevent incontinence.

Pregnancy, childbirth and menopause can all affect your bladder control. They can cause you to lose or gain weight, which can increase the pressure in your pelvic floor muscles and urethral sphincter.

These changes can result in leakage and other incontinence problems. It is also important to see your doctor if you have a history of urinary tract infections, as these can irritate the bladder and urinate.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

For many Americans, losing weight is a priority. And it’s no secret that obesity is linked to a number of health risks, including diabetes and heart disease.

But it’s also important to know that a healthy body weight isn’t as simple as a number on the scale. What’s considered a healthy weight depends on the person and their lifestyle, says Shiara Ortiz-Pujols, MD, a medical director of obesity medicine at Med Express, part of Optum, in New York City.

The best way to determine a healthy weight is to talk with your doctor. She may measure your weight or ask you to keep track of how much you eat and how often you exercise.

A healthy diet can help your bladder and bowel work properly. It should include foods high in fibre, such as fruit and vegetables. This will help prevent constipation. It will also increase your energy and boost your mood.

Your diet can also help you avoid certain foods that irritate your bladder, which can cause leaks. These include citrus fruits, chocolate, tomatoes, dairy products and spicy foods.

Taking medications can also affect your ability to control your bladder and bowel. Some medicines, such as antihistamines, sedatives and diuretics, can make you more likely to experience incontinence. If you are taking any of these medicines, ask your doctor if they can be changed to less-aggravating alternatives.

You can also make some changes to your lifestyle to help you avoid leaking, such as getting regular exercise and drinking plenty of fluids. You can also try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing to stop the urge to urinate.

When it comes to reducing the amount of urine leakage, setting up a schedule is another helpful strategy. Having a regular bathroom schedule will let you know when it’s time to go and how long you can wait between trips.

Once you have established a schedule, gradually lengthen the intervals between your trips. This will encourage your bladder to develop the habit of knowing when it’s time to urinate. Be sure to wear some quality incontinence underwear to avoid any embarrassing leaks when you're out and about.

If you are overweight, losing weight is an effective way to reduce the risk of stress incontinence. It will help you avoid leaks and improve your overall quality of life. 

Get Moving

As a matter of fact, getting out and about is the best way to stay healthy.

Whether it is taking the dog for a walk, a trip to the gym or a visit to the park - there is no better way to spend quality time with your loved ones. Plus, getting moving makes you feel good - which may be the best medicine of all.

The right kind of exercise can reduce stress, improve your sleep, boost your brain power and even help keep you slimmer by reducing your belly bulge. The best part about all of this is that you won’t have to feel guilty for it! The icing on the cake is that you will be much more likely to enjoy it since you will be more engaged in the process.