Urodynamic stress incontinence occurs when your bladder leaks urine while you are trying to urinate. This condition can affect any part of the lower urinary tract.
A doctor will evaluate your symptoms and look for other conditions that might be causing your incontinence. This includes taking a careful medical history and performing physical exams.
Pelvic examination

Pelvic examination is a physical exam of the female pelvic organs (ovaries, uterus, rectum, vulva, cervix, and fallopian tubes). It can be used to diagnose and treat problems such as gynecological symptoms, such as pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, cysts, genital warts, or urinary tract disorders.
The examination is usually done in a doctor’s office. It usually takes a few minutes and isn’t painful.
Your healthcare provider will use a special instrument called a speculum, which looks like a duckbill, to examine your vagina and cervix. They’ll also feel around your ovaries and take a sample of tissue for later testing.
Pelvic exams can help doctors identify conditions such as ovarian cancer, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. They’re usually performed as a part of an annual well-woman visit.
Urinary tract examination
The urodynamic examination is performed to examine the bladder and urethra to determine what's wrong with them. This can help diagnose problems like a blockage in your bladder or a leakage problem in your urethra.
The doctor may use a cystoscope (tube-shaped tool) to look at your bladder and urethra. They can also do a urothelial ultrasound, which can give information about the bladder wall and diverticula, bladder stones or tumors in your urethra.
When your doctor examines your bladder, they might also do a test that measures how much and how fast you urinate. This is called uroflometry.
The urinalysis can show whether you have a bladder infection or a kidney infection. If you do, the doctor might prescribe antibiotics. You might have a little blood in your urine for a few days after the examination, but this will go away. Drinking extra water will help dilute the urine and flush out the blood.
Urodynamic tests
Urodynamic tests are a group of examinations to help your doctor understand how well your bladder and urethra work. They can tell your doctor what kind of incontinence you have, and what treatment is right for you.
There are many different types of urodynamic tests, depending on what the problem is. Some tests use a catheter, a thin tube that is inserted through your urethra up into your bladder.
A video urodynamic test may also be used, which takes pictures and videos of the bladder during filling and emptying using X-rays or ultrasounds. These pictures and videos can show the doctor the size and shape of your bladder, which will help them diagnose the problem.
Another type of urodynamic test is called cystometry, which uses sensors and a manometer to measure pressure in your bladder as it fills. This pressure can show whether there is an involuntary contraction of the bladder that causes leakage.
A few people who have urodynamic tests can feel mild discomfort when they urinate after the test, but this should last only a few hours. You can drink plenty of fluids to help reduce this discomfort, and your doctor may recommend a warm bath or hold a warm washcloth over the urethra opening to relieve it.
Surgery is a medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open someone's body to fix, repair, or replace a diseased or damaged part. It can be elective or emergency.
In general, people who want to have surgery are evaluated to make sure that it will do more good than harm. Then, they are given a surgical clearance if the evaluation is satisfactory and they agree to have the surgery.
During the preoperative period, patients are also encouraged to be physically healthy and to follow their health care provider's recommendations. This can help them get a better surgical outcome and return to normal activities more quickly.
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